Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Life's Unexpected Moments

Sometimes I wonder why people can't appreciate what they have and just be happy, especially when they have so much to be thankful for. I had one of those moments this week when someone's sour attitude infiltrated the ranks. And then a friend sent me a link today that made all the negativity vaporize into a meaningless memory. What's important in life is not the unattainable, not the "if only's" or "what if's," not the material things. I'm very fortunate to have a daily reminder that what's important is the what's right in front of me. And there are some folks in this world who really get it, people you would probably least expect.

This past Saturday night, Extra Special People sponsored the 5th Annual Big Hearts Pageant for Special People of Northeast Georgia. It far surpassed our wildest imaginations. You never know what the kids will say or what will happen at these pageants. Simply, they are who they are, and nothing else matters; they don't get caught up in appearances or opinions. They represent pure, honest emotion. You can always count on gut wrenching laughter (let's face it, our kids have the best sense of humor) and rivers of joy. This is what you can expect every year at the pageant. However, this is one year our youngest (and her family and friends) will always remember.

Bekkah has been completely enchanted with Georgia Bulldogs quarterback Aaron Murray since he made an appearance as an escort at last year's (4th annual) Big Hearts Pageant. For the last year, her family has listened to Bekkah plan out her life with her boyfriend Aaron Murray. It was really quite cute, and she was very serious if ANYONE contradicted her belief that he was indeed her boyfriend. In fact, her sisters got quite a kick out of the concept, and when they really wanted to get her stirred up, they'd pull the Aaron card. (Now don't go feeling sorry for Bekkah, as she has a few cards of her own that she pulls out when you least expect it. So it goes both ways.) Knowing that Aaron would make another appearance at Big Hearts, the impending day of their meeting was becoming almost more than she could contain. A couple of weeks before the pageant, she selected a heart shaped frame out of her teacher's good behavior closet. When asked who she intended to put in the frame, she replied, "Me and my boyfriend, Awon Muway."

So when Bekkah came out on stage escorted by Arthur Lynch, Aaron's teammate, I was a little disappointed she didn't get to walk out with Aaron. Now don't get me wrong, Arthur is very much just as handsome as Aaron, but he's not the crush of the moment. Oh well, what can you do? You can't really make life totally perfect for your children, right? Maybe we could get a photo with him afterward, just to keep the dream alive, you know? What ensued was almost too good to be true. Words really can't convey the story as much as being there. Here's the next best thing, the video from the camera on my phone:

Okay, so that's me screaming into the phone. It's a little embarrassing when I play it back. But again, raw emotion routinely accompanies our kids, and I don't really want to take it out. Anyway, Aaron Murray and Arthur Lynch were catapulted to the top of my most favorite people that night. Here they and two other teammates took time out of their own lives to spend with our kids. But to go the extra mile and make one little girl's wish come true, to get a hug from her "boyfriend," was just about the coolest gesture a mom could ever imagine.

But it doesn't stop there. There's a group of awesome teenagers at Elbert County Comprehensive High School who make up Friends Helping Friends; they dedicate their time and energy to hang out and help the kids with special needs in our county. Collectively, they really are the most awesome group of teenagers I've met. They jumped at the chance to help with Big Hearts this year and volunteered as buddies backstage, each with their own assigned pageant contestant. After the pageant was over, several of the FHF buddies grabbed Bekkah to go back into the theater so that she could have her picture made with Aaron. Close in suit were the Elberton FUMC Youth (mostly girls), who also had their turn taking a photo with Aaron. Fellow Bulldog Christian Robinson was there too, and both were congenial and obliging young men who, clearly following an extensive autograph/photo session with other fans, stayed even longer to have their photos taken with every single one of the 15 or so girls who flocked around them. God bless Aaron Murray for having the patience to kiss the cheeks of all those girls. He should probably know that every girl went straight home and changed their Facebook profile photos. His hero status has been elevated in Elbert County, and he will have several marriage proposals coming his way. But he might want to wait at least a couple of years to reply when they turn 18. ;)

So what's the link my friend sent me? Go to the Facebook page of Stylized Portraiture (Athens, GA) and look for the Big Hearts Pageant album where you will find these photos and smile as much as I did when I saw them:

These are two class acts that UGA should be proud of and that others should emulate, along with the other players who were escorts--and Vince (former UGA AD) and Barbara Dooley. I can't imagine how proud their parents are of their sons. Thank you for your BIG HEARTS, Aaron and Arthur!!!!!! You helped make a night to remember for us all.